Turbidity Meter
Turbidity Meter

Turbidity Meter Specifications:
Unit of Measure: 2020we: NTU, AU, ASBC, EBC 2020wi: FNU, FAU, ASBC, EBC
Range:* 0-4000 NTU/FNU, 0-10,500 ASBC, 0-150 EBC
Resolution:* 0.01 NTU/FNU 10.00-10.99 0.1 NTU/FNU 11.00-109.9 1 NTU/FNU 110-4000
Accuracy:* From 0-2.5 NTU the accuracy is ±0.05 NTU From 2.5-100 NTU the accuracy is ±2% From 100 NTU the accuracy is ±3%
Detection Limit: 0.05 NTU/FNU
Range Selection: Automatic
Reproducibility:* 0.02 NTU/FNU or 1%
Light Source: Tungsten (EPA) complies with EPA 180.1 Standard 860 LED (ISO) complies with ISO 7027