Water is the Elixir of Life

Though succinctly put, that Russian proverb says a lot about water. Doesn’t it?

Water is indispensable. And it is sacred and precious. Without water, there would be literally no ‘life’ on earth. That’s why water is called the Elixir of Life! Without water, we all would have died long ago.

Interestingly, human body consists of 70 per cent water and 30 per cent other substances. So it is paramountly important that the water we drink everyday should be clean and free from all kinds of harmful bacteria and other contaminants.

Unfortunately, that is not the case. The water we drink today is highly polluted and has become unfit for human consumption. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration if we were to say our body itself is polluted with contaminated water. The reason for this sorry state of affair is very clear.

Our insatiable greed for wealth and other luxuries in life have led to many disasters. Everyday tonnes of highly toxic industrial wastes, effluents, and other hazardous materials are released into rivers, lakes and other water bodies in our cities and towns.

The water we drink is contaminated; the air that we breath is highly polluted; and the fruits and vegetables that we eat are grown from indiscriminate use of harmful pesticides and chemicals. On top of that we are exposed to contaminated drinking water.

Unfortunately, this maxim that “water is the elixir of life” doesn’t hold water. Not anymore. Indiscriminate use of fossil fuels, and irresponsible release of hazardous industrial wastes and effluents into our rivers and water bodies have turned water – the Spring of Life – into a health hazard.

The idyllic days of living in harmony with Nature are long gone. Our simple and holistic way of life has irreversibly been taken over by our materialistic greed for modern luxuries of life.

OK! What does this have anything to do with A3 Techno Crafts Pvt Ltd? Yes, a lot! In fact, a lot more.

As a leader in water purification and management experts in treatment of industrial wastes and effluents, we offer a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies. From industrial waste management and treatment of solid wastes and effluents to purification and conservation of water, the God-given gift to humans and all other forms of life on Mother Earth. We are in mission mode: to restore our dwindling natural resources back to its pristine health.

Our decades-long expertise in water treatment and purification has enabled us to turn that dream into reality. To send your query to us Click Here