The Future of Zero Liquid Discharge Method for Water Management at Industrial Site

Over the past years, the recovery, recycling and reuse of wastewater has become a major trend as well as an inescapable need globally. Amidst the steadily increasing environmental concerns, scarcity of freshwater and stringent regulations, industries are in constant search of the best method of wastewater treatment. Though Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) methods have been Read the full article…

Water Management in textile industry: Impurities and water softening

Water management is the movement of water resources and controlling them for reducing the damage to property and life. Another purpose of water management is to maximize efficient beneficial use. In the textile industry, water management is the procedure of planning, developing, and distributing as well as management of proper water resource usage. Waste water Read the full article…

Understanding Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) Plant and its functions

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) as the name suggests is a process designed to achieve zero liquid status in the waste generated or a method to eliminate waste liquid completely. Main driving force behind this is to minimize water wastage and maximize its usage through recycling. This proves beneficial for the environment and economy by saving Read the full article…

Technicalities of Water Conservation at Industrial Sites

There was a time when nature had its own ways of purifying waste water and regenerating water resources. However, with increasing population and industries, and decreasing water bodies, the natural regeneration process was not enough. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that responsible industrial powers take these steps to extend a helping hand to mother Read the full article…

Crisis to Conservation Do your bit to reduce water crisis, with A3 Techno Crafts

Be it any civilization, from ancient to modern, water has always been the lifeline of human lives. In all the ancient philosophies about basic elements, water is inseparable. No matter how much we are technologically advancing, we cannot create water. Technology combined with willing & responsible hands can only save the existing sources.  Thus, our Read the full article…

Purification and Recycling of Waste Water

If there is no water, there will be absolutely no life on earth! Fortunately, we have been blessed with plenty of water, the most precious gift given to us by God. Nature has given us too much water that we had failed to appreciate or understand the real value of this precious gift. Water is Read the full article…

Water is the Elixir of Life

Though succinctly put, that Russian proverb says a lot about water. Doesn’t it? Water is indispensable. And it is sacred and precious. Without water, there would be literally no ‘life’ on earth. That’s why water is called the Elixir of Life! Without water, we all would have died long ago. Interestingly, human body consists of Read the full article…